Chemicals in nail polish and soap increases the risk of obesity

Researchers have claimed that exposure to the chemicals found in everyday products can affect the amount of fat stored in the body. According to researchers at the Georgia University of America, phthalates are chemicals that are found in many everyday products from plastics, nail polish and soap and it gives them the elastic features. Now the new research suggests that these chemicals can also be harmful to human health. "Lee Ein", the head of research team, said in a statement: "Exposure to phthalates can have closely related to the rising the incidence of various diseases". As in previous studies, some phthalates have been found in human fluids, so researchers wanted to investigate this issue whether the combination of benzyl butyl phthalates (BBP) has an impact on the accumulation of fat in the cells. Researchers used mouse cells in vitro created the models for the analysis of exposure to BBP and its impact on the accumulation of fats known as lipids in the cells. According to the researchers, in addition to genetic factors, environmental factors may also play a role in obesity. Studies show that BBP chemical causes to lipid droplet accumulation in the cells and thus becomes obese.


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